A Christmas adventure in search of nativity scenes.

The Christmas lights of Larios Street give us the starting signal for the inauguration of the nativity scenes of the city that are usually open to the public during these days. The municipality of Malaga has published a very complete guide of the nativity scenes so that we do not lose detail. In this guide we find in detail all the institutions and brotherhoods that have worked so hard, another year, to leave Malaga full of lights and Christmas atmosphere.

Every traveler worth his salt needs to follow a “map”, and our route of nativity scenes was not going to be less. Through this link we can access a map provided by the town hall, where in each location there is a nativity scene we will see the symbol of birth where we can click on it to see the exact address, schedules, etc.

We like to remember that Malaga has won first place in the “Best Sunny Christmas Markets in Europe” ranquin of the European Best Destinations (EBD) organization,
https://www.europeanbestdestinations.com/christmas-markets/best-sunny-christmas -destinations-in-europe / which highlights that Malaga is an ideal destination for a sunny Christmas and describes it as one of the hot spots in Europe.

When you come to leave your luggage do not forget to ask us where it is better to start this Christmas adventure.

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