Tetouan: the Nazari city in northern Morocco

Tetuan is a Nazari city in the north of Morocco, refounded by the Nasrids who left Granada in the fifteenth century expelled by Isabel “La Católica”. The Medina of Tetuan is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and is the only Medina Andalusí that exists in Morocco along with that of Chef-Chauen. Tetuan is called the White Dove because of the white color of its Medina buildings. Tetuan was Spanish protectorate and it is noticeable in the buildings that were built there during the permanence of the Spaniards from 1912 to 1958. I know Tetuan well because there I have my second residence and I can say that the character of the Moroccan who lives in Tetouan is friendly and very helpful with visitors. The cuisine is exceptional and you can eat at a good price anywhere. Walking in the Medina is a journey in time, I like to do it in the early morning when there are hardly any people and I find it very rewarding. At that time is when I usually go to the hammam, an Arabic bath based on hot and cold water, where the skin is also exfoliated with special gloves and the body is washed with a creamy soap called beldi. The smells of spices and jasmine, little by little the Medina wakes up and the shops open, the merchants water the streets of the Medina with water, they bring their products to the door of their shops and everything is life and color. Although green tea with mint is a typical drink in Morocco in Tetouan, a lot of coffee is drunk because of the Spanish heritage and there are also churros, which are exquisite and inexpensive. If you have the opportunity do not stop traveling to Tetuan and if you want to visit the north of Morocco it is the ideal place to stay because it is in the center and you can go every day to a different place and return to sleep in Tetuan. If you do, my advice is to stay in the Medina for the night.

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